Tuesday, August 12, 2014

REPOST: Victoria Beckham to sell 600 personal clothing items for charity

Want to own fashionable pieces from Victoria Beckham’s personal wardrobe collection while raising money for charity? Now you can! The fashion designer has just unveiled a new charity project, where she sells 600 iconic outfits to support the charity mothers2mothers. CTV News has the full story below.

The fashion designer and former Spice Girl has unveiled a new charitable project with the e-commerce site.

Remember Beckham's fluorescent yellow Roberto Cavalli gown at the pre-World Cup party in 2006? Remember the white Dolce & Gabbana dress she wore to the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards? If you do, you're in for a treat, as they'll be up for grabs at the end of the month.

Image Source: ctvnews.ca

Beckham first got the idea when she spent time with mothers2mothers, a charity that raises money to train and employ 'Mentor Mothers', South African women living with HIV, in order to educate them on how to prevent the transmission of HIV from mothers to babies as well as improve the health of women and their families.

Beckham then selected some 600 iconic pieces from her wardrobe, including 'Posh Spice' outfits that range from the early days of the Spice Girls through her courtship with footballer David Beckham, fashion party and runway show appearances and other major events. Pieces include dresses, coats, shoes, bags, hats, jewelry and even skiwear. The items were valued by Christie's, who will also host the sale, which runs from August 20 to 25 exclusively online at The Outnet, with all proceeds going to the charity.

"I laughed a lot when we were going through my wardrobe as the pieces hold so many happy memories for me, David and the children," added the 40-year-old star. "A lot of the clothes have been specially designed for me by the most talented designers and I've loved wearing them, however I now feel it's someone else's turn to enjoy them."

If you're interested, you'll have to register at The Outnet from today, ahead of the start of the sale. To add to the fun, ten of the most iconic pieces will also be on sale as part of a ‘Going, Going, Gone' reverse auction, where the starting price reduces by a fixed amount every five minutes.

Sheryl Pouls is a mother and philanthropist from Gladwyne, Pennsylvania. Read more discussions on motherhood and philanthropy here.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

REPOST: Nicholas Sparks’ latest love story appeals to teen readers

Nicholas Sparks' novels have tugged the heartstrings of largely mature (and later young adult) readers for years. Teens and Twenties' Kristian Whitesell writes about how Sparks' 2011 book “The Best of Me” would fare with teen readers.

Image source: NicholasSparks.com

Nicholas Sparks has done it again. He’s added another novel of romance and tragedy to his already extensive list of novels. “The Best of Me,” released on Oct. 11, is a story about two high school sweethearts, Dawson and Amanda, whose teenage romance was quickly halted because the two were not from the same social status. Amanda was born into a family that was highly respected by others.

Against her family’s wishes, she began seeing a man whose family was in and out of prison. Amanda didn’t judge Dawson because of his family; she didn’t care who his father was.

Image source: NicholasSparks.com

Unfortunately, life doesn’t always let us make our own choices. Dawson cared for Amanda more than himself, so he let her go. Neither of them ever forgot each other, but they created lives for themselves and moved on. Amanda went to college, married a good man and raised a family with him. Dawson’s life changed, too. After another incident with his family that landed him in jail, he determined that he would never go back to that town.

As is everything in life, though, things happen that we don’t expect. When a mentor of Dawson and Amanda passes away, his last request to them brings them back together in the small town in North Carolina where they first met and fell in love.

Image source: moviexclusive.com

Through a series of events afterward, Dawson and Amanda fall in love again and face hard decisions that result from it.

Nicholas Sparks is famous for his use of many emotions in his novels. Gripping everyone’s hearts with its believable characters and tragic events, “The Best of Me” is no different.

For more on the works of Nicholas Sparks, visit this Sheryl Pouls blog.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

REPOST: HBO’s ‘Boardwalk Empire’ Featurette Goes Behind the Scenes

HBO's television productions are known for their stellar quality that have, at some points, surpassed that of their cinematic counterparts. Rob Frappier of ScreenRant describes the behind-the-scenes featurette that brings viewers into the the production of Boardwalk Empire.

Image source: screenrant.com

Without a doubt, my number one most anticipated new television show of the fall season is HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. The series, which comes our way thanks to the Emmy Award-winning writer of The Sopranos, Terence Winter, details how criminals and corrupt politicians in Atlantic City made millions during prohibition in the 1920s.

As if the subject matter of Boardwalk Empire weren’t interesting enough, the show stars the always terrific Steve Buscemi and the pilot episode was directed by none other than Martin Scorsese. Seriously, does it get better than that?

In anticipation of the show’s September 19th premiere, HBO has released a lengthy behind-the-scenes featurette. The featurette offers insight from Winter, Buscemi, Scorsese, and others on the subject matter of the show – as well as how Boardwalk Empire intends to capture one of the most interesting periods of American history.

Check out the behind-the-scenes video below:

Pretty cool, right? If the “Making Of” video doesn’t have you hooked into Boardwalk Empire, then maybe you should go back and check out one of the trailers for the show. If you’re still not convinced that it’s going to be awesome, well I’m afraid you and I just can’t be friends.

Speaking of The Wire, I’m incredibly excited to see Michael K. Williams in the cast of Boardwalk Empire as the character Chalky White. For those not hip to The Wire, Williams played one of TV’s greatest anti-heroes – the gay stick-up man Omar Little. I didn’t get a chance to catch Williams on the big screen in The Road this past year, so I’m excited to see him back on the small screen.

Anyway, you know where my TV will be set on September 19th. In the meantime, feel free to use the comments to stir up some debate about your favorite HBO shows of all time. Am I the only one who thinks HBO is king when it comes to original programming?

Sheryl Pouls is a mother of two daughters residing in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania, and is a fan of Boardwalk Empire and other programs. Visit this Facebook page page for more updates on TV productions, parenting, and other related topics.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

REPOST: 5 Myths About Teens and Technology Every Parent Should Ignore

It’s normal for people to be scared of something they know nothing about, which is most often the situation between parents and the technology their kids are hooked to. Read this article from the Huffington Post which discusses the misconceptions adults have about teens and technology.

As the editor of HuffPost Teen, I spend a good part of my day talking to Snapchat-sending, Facebook-hating, selfie-taking, iPhone-obsessed teens that many adults love to judge. I also talk to their parents.

This week, I received a fairly typical email from the concerned mom of one of our bloggers asking questions like: Is having an Internet profile safe? How many people will see it? Will strangers try to communicate with my kid? What about online predators?

The note surprised me, however, because of who her teen is: a prolific writer with a huge social media following. (To protect the teen's privacy I am not identifying them by gender.) Though the teen uses the name of a fictional character across social accounts, they use a real photo and regularly share personal anecdotes with an audience of thousands. Given the mom's questions, I assume she has no idea her kid has such an active, public presence.

It's not unusual for teens to be deeply involved in large, online communities that their families know nothing about, and this makes me sad. I want all parents to know how amazing, eloquent and popular their teenagers are in a world they're often too scared to be a part of.

But I'm not writing this article to convince that one mom to face her fears and get on Instagram. I'm writing it because she is part of a chorus of adult voices -- online and off -- who seem frightened by teenagers' daily use of technology, in its various forms. I'm writing this article because I see too many parents willfully alienate themselves from teens due to fear-mongering, technophobic myths that inundate them in mainstream media.

Here are a few of the misconceptions about teens, technology and the Internet I see come up again and again in articles and in my own conversations with "experts" -- and all the reasons why parents should not believe them.

1. "Teens are addicted to technology."

Most of the time, when I hear this, it's referring to teenagers' constant need to be online. But here's the thing: the Internet is not (just) technology -- it's people. Teens are obsessively engaging with friends, not screens. Youth researcher danah boyd discusses this idea in her insightful new book, It's Complicated. "Teens aren't addicted to social media," she says. "They're addicted to each other." boyd also points to teens' increasingly monitored and over-scheduled lives, which may have resulted in childhoods that had less in-person connection than previous generations. Meaning: Teens are not developing strange, worrisome relationships with technology. They just want to hang out with their friends, and behind a screen is their easiest -- or sometimes only -- option.

2. "All their 'text-speak' is making them stupid."

In fact, the opposite is happening: their reading and writing skills are being strengthened by the hundreds of "textisms" (OMG LOL SMH) they are sending every day. Studies show that teens' obsession with texting and tweeting is actually improving literacy rates, because they are spending so much time creating and responding to words. Who would want to discourage young people from engaging with something that's making them read even more -- and by choice?

3. "The Internet is giving teens a two-second attention span."

Here's what the Internet is actually doing: making them less passive. Teens are interacting with their entertainment directly, consuming communally using social media, producing alternative narratives and content and interrogating their media. They are engaging so deeply with stories and ideas that they are forming their own online communities around them, and even creating their own, unique dialects. This is far from "thrill-of-the-moment" interactions with technology; it's persistent, obsessive engagement with information.

4. "The more time teens spend behind screens, the more antisocial they become."

Communicating online is an important part of most adults' daily personal and work lives. Having strong online social skills will continue to be similarly -- if not more -- important for this generation of teens as they grow up. It troubles me to see adults dismiss online communication as less meaningful or worthy of our attention, and to read articles encouraging parents to limit or ban their teen's access to technology in the name of "healthier" relationships. Ask yourself this: Would you be worried if one of your close friends stopped communicating with you for a few weeks? When parents prohibit screen time, their teen is often cut off from peers in a similar way. If parents want to help teens develop rich, healthy relationships as adults, they need to teach them complete social etiquette -- which means acknowledging the importance of both their online and offline friendships.

5. "Teens are careless about online privacy."

Admittedly, this is a complicated topic that warrants its own separate article, but let me just say this: most teens grew up using social media, and because of this they understand extraordinarily well how to be private in a very public space. On Twitter, for example, many HuffPost Teen bloggers have joint handles with friends using made-up names, they "subtweet" each other using coded personal messages... the list of their creative, privacy-conscious communication strategies goes on and on. Sidneyeve Matrix, associate professor of media at Queen's University in Ontario, echoed this idea when she spoke to The Toronto Star about millennials and online privacy this week:

Over the past three years, the amazingly loud message from my students is that young people are very conscious of their privacy... They understand data privacy; they partition all their uses of social networks. Some are for professional, some are for personal and some are for school, some are for friends only.

Youth researcher danah boyd agrees:

Just because teens are trying to help shape public culture doesn't mean that they want their dirty laundry exposed. The notion that today's youth don't care about privacy is foolish. Sure, there are some teenagers who are exhibitionists, just as there are some adults who are. But most teens are very conscious about privacy, just as they're very conscious about their public self-expressions.

In my eyes, it's careless of parents to create rules around online privacy if they do not understand how social media platforms work. From the parent perspective, HuffPost's Lisa Belkin, wrote about why not "getting it" isn't an option.

Don't do it because you have specific fears that your daughter has fallen down the Tumblr rabbit hole looking for "thinspiration." Do it so that if you ever have those fears you won't dismiss them because you don't know where to begin to look. Parenting is about leading and teaching them, yes. But sometimes we help them most when we learn, and follow.

So, parents: don't be frightened by your teen's love for technology. Let them teach you how and why they're using it -- and maybe you'll get a glimpse into the engaged, energetic and complex teenage online world I have the privilege of seeing every day.

Follow Elizabeth Perle on Twitter: www.twitter.com/lizperle

Sheryl Pouls is a mother residing in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania. She has two daughters: Samantha and Amanda. For more articles about parenting, visit this Facebook page.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

REPOST: Top ten parenting resolutions for 2014

Do you have parenting resolutions this year? Get ideas from Josette Plank whose resolutions include finding her kids an alternative role model to Miley Cyrus. Read her list in this article from PennLive. 
Goodbye, 2013! Hello 365 more days of being an awesome parent!

In 2013, we all agreed that a great parenting resolution would be to teach "Thou shalt not toss gallons of milk down the grocery store dairy aisle, even if my friends think it's hilarious."
Image Source: www.pennlive,com
Now it's time to write our resolutions for 2014. I came up with a few I think could be on most parents' top ten list. Let me know if I missed any.

Like Kate Middleton, my child will be a prince—but not household ruler.

All children are as special as royal offspring. But waiting on kids hand and glass-slippered-foot can create little tyrants.

I resolve to help my children learn to do things for themselves — fold laundry, make a sandwich, work for their own "can you buy this for me" money. When kids earn their own self-esteem, they feel like true kings and queens.

I will offer an alternative to Miley Cyrus as a role model.

Kids may say they adore actors, sports personalities and Bad Hannah Montana. But the people children look up to the most are the grown-ups under their own roof.

I'll try to be the person I'd like my child to be. I'll be honest and kind. I'll work hard, and I'll spend time with my family. I will not drive 90 miles an hour to catch up with some guy who cut me off in traffic, just to flip him the bird.

I will kick my kids out of the house.

Bickering kids, grouchy kids, kids with ants in their pants — nothing takes the stink out of a child like a good ole shove out the door and into fresh air. And no matter the weather, there's a thermal base layer, waterproof jacket and sunscreen with insect repellent to meet your parenting need, i.e. maintaining your sanity.

I will stop saying "I'm not a techy."

Pop quiz: Your 11-year-old daughter says she is tweeting Instragram screenshots from Vine videos she posts on Tumblr. Should you a) follow her on Twitter, b) say "I smell something burning on the stove" and excuse yourself, or c) move to an 18th-century reenactment community.

The answer is d) I need to understand what the heck my kid is talking about. Internet safety and know-how is part of today's parenting.

I will not compare my after-baby body to the svelte bodies of new celebrity mothers.

Unless I have access to a full-time trainer, housekeeper, nutritionist, cook and nanny, I will set reasonable goals for getting back in shape. "Nine months up in weight, nine months down" is the common wisdom for mere mortal women.

"Kids will be kids" is an explanation, but it will not be my excuse.

Even the most well-behaved kids will make choices that are crazy, stupid and downright dangerous. Hopefully, they'll grow out of their goofiness. Until then, I will continue to set limits and allow my kids to learn from the logical consequences of their decisions.

I won't be a dangerous sports parent.

I will take potential head injuries seriously. I will not allow myself or an over-enthusiastic coach to risk permanently affecting my child's brain for a sporting event. Not even the Very Important All-Township Mini Peewee Super Duper Deluxe Championship.

I will not overreact and wrap my kids in Kevlar.

Bike helmets, seat belts and hand-washing—I will be sensible and teach my children how to reduce risks. However, most of the United States is a pretty safe place for kids,and human bodies are designed to withstand childhood bumps and bruises. I will chill out.

I will learn to cook a few green things.

The future me will prepare three nutritious, well-balanced meals every day and not ever serve frozen pizza or chicken nuggets for dinner. Until I morph into Jamie Oliver, I vow to add at least one fresh produce item to each meal—cut carrots, steamed broccoli, a side salad. I will get good at this, and then set my bar of culinary awesomeness a little higher.

I will volunteer.

I work several jobs. I have a mob of kids. I need more hours in my day. However, I also know how much my children benefit from sports, scouting and community clubs. I will find an hour or two each month to help out, even if I have to paint numbers 13 and 14 on my clock.
Sheryl Pouls is the mother to teenagers Amanda and Samantha. Follow this Twitter account for more discussions on parenting.